We encourage you to use OpenTable for all reservations of 1 to 6 guests.
For parties larger than 6, click here.
Dinner reservations are accepted 30 days in advance.
We welcome walk-ins but rarely have unreserved tables. If you are close by and want to drop in for dinner we encourage you to give a call first.
Reserved dining times for each party size are as follows:
Parties of 2 guests, 1 hour and 45 minutes;
Parties of 3 or 4 guests, 2 hours;
Parties of 5 or 6 guests, 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Antico Nuovo offers indoor dining only.
If you do not see a time that you want, OpenTable allows you to set an Availability Alert to be notified if someone cancels. Click here for instructions.
For parties of 7 or more only, please use this form. Requests for smaller groups will not be seen.